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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 1

ISBN:978-953-154-771-0 (HAZU). - ISBN 978-953-163-286-7 (Književni krug)
Autor:Šundalić, Zlata
Naslov:Prilog hrvatskoj prozi 18. stoljeća (ili zametci proznoga kazivanja u Slavoniji sredinom 18. stoljeća)
Matična publikacija:Dani Hvarskog kazališta 33 : Prešućeno, zabranjeno, izazovno u hrvatskoj književnosti i kazalištu / [uredništvo Nikola Batušić ...et al.]; str. 95-130
Impresum:Zagreb ; Split : Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti ; Književni krug, 2007
Sažetak:A contribution to 18th century prose (or The beginnings of prose narrating in Slavonia in the mid 18th century) : The central topic of this work is the prosaic elaboration of the legend on St. Eustachius, which, even though it belongs to old Croatian literature, has confirmation from the Middle Ages to pre-Illyrian times (Medievla elaboration from the beginning of the 14th century, an elaboration from Lučić's 'Vartal' from the end of the 16th century, Glavinić's from 1628, Gašparoti's from 1760 and Rapić's from 1762). It is about Placid (2nd century), a commander of Trayan's guards, who, upopn baptism, is named Eustachius, and then undergoes severe torture and temptations together with his family, until his horrendous death. The work particulary deals with the neglected or overlooked elaboration of the Slavonian Franciscan Đuro Rapaić. By reading simultaneously all five version on St. Eustachius, concentrating on the structuralism of the text, the characters and narrating strategies, one can seen the quality of Rapaić's actions in the reformation of existing models.
Ključne riječi:hrvatska književnost -- proza -- Slavonija -- 18. stoljeće * Rapaić, Đuro * Rapics, Gjuro
Signatura821.163.42.09 DAN (33)
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Upit: UncontrolledTerms_swish=(Rapics, Gjuro )
